Travels With JB

Phillip Island Nature Parks’ Guided Ranger Tour at the Penguin Parade provides a comprehensive introduction to the parade and its star attractions.

A ranger on the  Guided Ranger Tour providing personal commentary. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.

The tour is one of a number of options offered at an extra cost to general admission into the parade.
What: Phillip Island Nature Parks’ Guided Ranger Tour
Who: JB
Why: Writing stories on Phillip Island
When: November 12 2014
How Did it Rate

The general organisation of the tour: On arrival at the Penguin Parade  I was given a badge which showed which tour I was on and advised where to meet my ranger.

The briefing by my ranger Maddie. It was clear and there were plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Our group of eight was presented with binoculars, a headset to allow us to hear her commentary and a chair/pillow to sit on. (The tour also includes a free soft drink.)

[caption id="attachment_1562" align="alignnone" width="1024"]The tour starts in the Information Centre. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks. The tour starts in the Visitor’s Centre. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.[/caption]

We started our tour by one of the large signs in the visitor  centre where Maddie explained the history of the parade, its aim and programs. After this we headed to the general viewing area where the first two rows were reserved for those on the guided tour.

Penguins at Phillip Island Penguin Parade. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.
Watching the penguins waddle across the beach was a highlight of our tour. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.

Watching the penguins waddle across the beach. At different times Maddie provided commentary on what we were seeing and pointed out where the penguins were coming from – as it turned out there were lots of penguins crossing the sand at a number of locations.

Rangers explain more about penguins on the Guided Ranger Tour. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.
Rangers explain more about penguins on the Guided Ranger Tour. Image courtesy of Phillip Island Nature Parks.

After around 20 minutes Maddie suggested we move to the Penguin Plus boardwalk area where she provided more information on the many penguins we saw walking from the beach to their burrows and answered the numerous questions the group asked during this time.

I did feel a little self-conscious walking down to the very full viewing stand on the beach to the front row.

As always happens when I go the Penguin Parade I would have spent more time watching the penguins in the burrows (the lights go off around 50 minutes after the first penguin appears on the beach) but I also realise the staff members do want to go home!

Jenny Burns was a guest of Phillip Island Nature Parks.

For more stories on Phillip Island see Managing Penguins and People on Phillip Island, Wildlife Always A Delight on Phillip Island, A Watery Adventure at Phillip Island, Silverwater Resort  and Ranada Resort Phillip Island.

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9 years ago

[…] see Wildlife Always a Delight on Phillip Island, Managing Penguins and People on Phillip Island,  Phillip Island Guided Ranger Tour and Silvewater Resort Phillip […]

9 years ago

[…] experienced either Penguins Plus or the VIP Tour, I have joined two other ranger led tours the Guided Ranger Tour and Ultimate Adventure Tour, both of which were enjoyable and […]

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