Travels With JB

Travels With JB

Travel news and reviews

Making an IMAX documentary suitable for all age groups about World War II’s D-Day must have created numerous challenges.

The D-Day landing as illustrated on IMAX’s D-Day 3D: Normandy 1944.

How do you show what happened when 156,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy on June 6 1944 in a way that’s both educational and entertaining and without using hundreds of actors?

For the makers of D-Day 3D: Normandy 1944 the answer comes in the form of multiple cinematographic techniques, such as stunning computer-generated dramatic re-enactments, including aerial battles, animated maps, pop-up books and archival photos. Stop-motion sand animations, the reading of personal letters and row upon row of white crosses illustrate the human cost of the invasion.

Stop-motion sand animations illustrate the loss of life.

The documentary explores the long lead up to the Allied military operation, code-named Overlord, the landing of the troops on beaches guarded by Nazi forces and the aftermath of the battle.

As we discover, D-Day is considered to have changed the course of World War II.

Narrated by Tom Brokaw, the 45-minute documentary explains the meticulous planning and complicated logistics involved in making sure the operation was a success. This included ensuring the attack was timed to optimal tide and moon conditions and the repainting of Allied aircraft.

The documentary explains the planning behind the Allied attack.

We also discover where and how the Allies landed and the role of the French Resistance. Hitler’s initial lack of a response to the first wave of landings is also explored.

After the invasion we follow the progress of the troops through Normandy and then learn of the huge human cost of the landing and the Second War World overall.

The documentary also explores what it considers the five keys to the Allied victory including jeeps, trucks and bulldozers.

Allies heading to Normandy.

Given June 6 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day, there’s sure to be much discussion about the invasion. See D-Day 3D: Normandy 1944 and you will have a far better understanding of the remarkable planning behind this monumental event and its impact.

Melbourne’s IMAX theatre is screening D-DAY 3D: Normandy 1944 for a limited season of two weeks from June 1 to commemorate the 75th anniversary.

All former and current serving members of the Australian Defence Force are being offered complimentary in-season tickets. Visit IMAX Melbourne for more information including conditions for free tickets, screening times and ticket purchases.


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Doc Snafu
4 years ago

Looks pretty cool 🙂

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