One of the joys of any Australian Brandenburg Orchestra concert is the chance to hear `new old music’. Mediterraneo with Daniel Pinteño, was the perfect example.

The concert, staged at Melbourne’s Recital Centre, included the world premiere of Felix Maximo Lopez’s Overtura con tutti instrumenti. Two pieces never performed in Australia before also featured on the program – Vicente Basset’s Overtura a più stromenti D major, Bas-9 and Cayetano Brunetti’s Sinfonia in C Minor Il Maniatico, L. 322.
More familiar works included Vivaldi’s Concerto for Flute La Notte in G Minor, Op. 10, No. 2 and Concerto for Violin in D Major from L’Estro Armonico, Op. 3, No. 9 and Antonio Soler’s Fandango.
The program was the brainchild of guest director and baroque violinist Pinteño.

During the concert we learnt Málaga-born Pinteño and a group of fellow musicologists are devoted to re-discovering and performing music from Spain’s past.
Mediterraneo spotlighted various composers and musicians who passed through the 18th century Spanish imperial court in Madrid.
The program also included Englishman Charles Avison’s Concerto for Violin in D Major. Avison once described Vivaldi as being `of the lowest class’!
While the audience was most appreciative of all the works and the brilliant skills of both Pinteño and the orchestra, it was Avison’s piece that received some of the loudest cheers.

The audience was also clearly enamoured with Melissa Farrow’s baroque flute solo. There was also plenty of applause for Jamie Hey’s performance of the baroque cello in the Brunetti piece.
My companion was most impressed with Lopez’s work, exclaiming “That’s my idea of lovely music!” Similar comments were expressed by those around us, while several others were busy discussing the merits of the music’s composition. All agreed the chance to hear and enjoy both old favourites and discover new historical music ensured Mediterraneo was a concert to savour.
Jenny Burns attended the opening night of Mediterraneo with Daniel Pinteño as a guest of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra.
The next Australian Brandenburg Orchestra is Lixsania and Labyrinth scheduled for October and November. Visit the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra website for more information.
*Photo credit: Steven Godbee
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Hi Michelle, thoroughly agree.
Jen, loved this show. The music always feels so fresh and authentic.